22/10/2024 5:28 AM

Jerri Zamzow

Savor New Horizons

10 Steps To A Culturally Rich, Accomplished European Lifestyle


The European lifestyle is often romanticized as being slow, quaint and simple. The truth is that it’s a lot more active, vibrant and exciting than many people expect. Europe is home to some of the world’s most interesting cities filled with history, culture, art and food. But before you set off on your European adventure, there are some things to consider about getting the most out of your trip:

10 Steps To A Culturally Rich, Accomplished European Lifestyle

Embrace the “slow life.”

A slow life is a lifestyle that values quality over quantity, reflection over action, and community over individualism. It’s about taking time to enjoy the simple things in life–a cup of tea with friends or a long walk through your neighborhood on a sunny day. As you move into a slow lifestyle you’ll find yourself doing more of what matters most to you and less of what doesn’t matter at all; this can be achieved by making small changes like turning off your phone at dinner parties or buying fewer clothes so that each piece has more meaning for you when it comes out of storage (and also because no one needs another pair of jeans).

The benefits are endless: You’ll gain perspective on yourself as well as others around you; find greater meaning in everyday moments; become more aware of how often “busyness” gets in the way of really connecting with those closest to us; learn how much energy we waste trying keep up with others’ expectations instead focusing on what makes us happy (and if they don’t like it then too bad); reevaluate why we do certain things so much faster than necessary–is there an easier way?

Live in an apartment with a kitchen.

  • Rent an apartment with a kitchen.
  • Cook your own meals, which is healthier and cheaper than eating out.
  • Buy groceries at local markets rather than convenience stores or large chains like Walmart or Target.

Get around on foot or by bike.

One of the best ways to see a new city is by foot. It’s free, it gives you a chance to explore on your own and it’s also good exercise! You’ll get fit, learn about your surroundings and make some new friends along the way.

If you want a bit more excitement in your life (and who doesn’t?), try biking instead. Not only will this help burn calories but it’s also fun! You can go wherever there’s space for two wheels: along cobbled streets or up steep hills; through parks or alongside rivers; down alleys full of hidden gems–the possibilities are endless!

Eat small portions with regular meals, rather than large meals with few.

One of the most important things to do is to eat small portions with regular meals, rather than large meals with few. This will help you avoid feeling hungry and bingeing on food later in the day.

Similarly, if you’re eating healthy foods at home and in restaurants, it’s important not to go overboard when ordering out or cooking for yourself. It’s better for your body if there are fewer empty calories (like sugar) in each meal–this means choosing lean proteins like chicken or fish over red meat, as well as opting for whole grains over pasta made from refined flour (which has less fiber). Finally: don’t forget dessert! Just because it’s good for us doesn’t mean we should deprive ourselves entirely–just enjoy smaller portions so they don’t add up too quickly into a full day’s worth of calories!

Be adventurous and try new foods.

  • Try something you’ve never tried before.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want, even if it means ordering a meal in a foreign language or eating at an unfamiliar restaurant.

Enjoy coffee at cafes with free wireless internet access.

We all know that coffee is a great way to relax and get a boost in the morning. But did you know it’s also an excellent place to meet people, work on your laptop or read?

In Europe, cafes are everywhere–and they’re not just for drinking coffee! Many offer free wireless internet access so you can get work done while enjoying your beverage of choice. You might even find yourself reading a book while sipping on espresso or cappuccino with friends over lunchtime!

Make time for rest and relaxation every day.

The importance of rest and relaxation is often overlooked by people who are busy working to achieve their goals. Resting your mind, body and spirit will help you stay focused and motivated during the week so that when it comes time for work on Friday night, you’re ready to go!

  • Make time every day for rest or relaxation. Whether this means taking a nap in the afternoon or going out with friends at night, make sure there’s some time in each day where you can completely disconnect from your daily life and recharge.
  • Relaxation techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises can help calm down any stressors that may be weighing on your mind at any given moment–and they’re also great ways to meditate before bedtime so that when morning comes around again (and with all its stresses), it won’t be quite as difficult for us humans beings 🙂

Learn about the culture and history of your destination to enhance your experience.

To really get to know a city, it’s important to learn about the culture and history of your destination. Visiting historical landmarks is one way to do this, but you can also explore more of Europe’s diversity by going on day trips out of town. For example, if you’re in London, take a day trip over to Liverpool or Manchester; if you’re in Paris, go westward toward Versailles or Chartres Cathedral; if Amsterdam is home base for your trip through Holland and Belgium (and why wouldn’t it be?), then head southward toward Maastricht or Antwerp for some great sights along with beautiful countryside views.

Go on day trips out of town to explore more of Europe’s diversity.

If you’re feeling adventurous, take a day trip out of town to explore more of Europe’s diversity. There are so many cities and countries that are just waiting for you to explore them.

You could visit the countryside, where people live in small towns and work on farms or in factories. You might even be able to see some of Europe’s old castles! Or maybe you would like to spend some time in one of the bigger cities–maybe London or Paris? The possibilities are endless!

Visit historical landmarks that are not tourist traps, but still worth seeing.

  • Be sure to visit historical landmarks that are not tourist traps, but still worth seeing.
  • Tourist traps are places that have been built up by the masses and can become boring and uninteresting after you’ve seen them once or twice. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with going on a tour of London’s Buckingham Palace (it’s actually one of my favorite things), but if you only want to see what everyone else has seen, there’s no point in doing so!
  • Instead of sticking with well-known landmarks like the Eiffel Tower or Big Ben, try visiting some off-the-beaten path places like Marienkirche Church in Munich or Parc du Chateau d’Eau in Paris–they’re both beautiful examples of European architecture during different time periods that aren’t crowded with tourists!

You don’t have to follow all of these steps, but they’re intended as a guide to help you enjoy Europe in a way that fits your own personality

You don’t have to follow all of these steps, but they’re intended as a guide to help you enjoy Europe in a way that fits your own personality.

If you do want to follow the guide: go for it! You’ll have an amazing time and learn a lot about yourself along the way. If not… that’s fine too! Use what works for you and ignore whatever doesn’t fit with how you like living life or experiencing new things.

The goal isn’t necessarily to follow this list exactly as written; rather, it’s meant as inspiration for creating your own unique European experience based on what speaks most strongly within each individual person (including yourself).


The point is not to follow all of these steps, but to use them as a guide to help you enjoy Europe in a way that fits your own personality. You might find that some of these ideas work better than others for you and your lifestyle, but that’s fine! The most important thing is to make sure that you’re enjoying yourself and getting the most out of your time abroad.