22/10/2024 5:54 AM

Jerri Zamzow

Savor New Horizons

7 Ways You Can Make A Good Impression On Foreigners While Travelling


Travelling is a great way to learn more about other countries and cultures, but it can also be intimidating for those who don’t know much about the place they’re visiting. If you’re travelling abroad for the first time, here are some tips that will help you make a good impression on your hosts:

7 Ways You Can Make A Good Impression On Foreigners While Travelling

1. Be friendly

  • Be friendly

If you’re travelling abroad, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of seeing new places and meeting new people. But when you’re busy exploring a new city or country, it can be tempting to forget about the people around you–especially if they don’t speak your language! The best way to make an impression on foreigners is by being friendly and polite from start to finish. Smile at everyone who passes by; make eye contact; ask questions about their lives or interests; try out their language if possible (even if it’s just “hello”); offer help if someone looks like they need some assistance with something; offer sincere compliments when warranted…basically anything that makes them feel good!

2. Be polite

  • Be polite

When you’re traveling, it can be easy to forget about common courtesies and manners. But being polite is always a good idea, even if you don’t think anyone will notice or care. It’s important not only because it shows respect for the country and its people but also because it makes you look good in front of those who do matter–your fellow travelers! The right greeting can go a long way towards making friends (and enemies).

For example: if someone says “hi” when they greet you, respond with “hello”. If someone asks how far away your destination is and whether there’s any food nearby, tell them honestly instead of saying something like “it’s right over there!” You never know when someone might come in handy later on down the road…

3. Be prepared

  • Know the local language.

This is a big one, especially if you’re traveling to a country where English isn’t spoken as widely. If you don’t know how to say “Hello” or “Goodbye,” it can be difficult for locals and other travelers alike to understand what you need from them or what they need from you. It’s also helpful in situations like ordering food or asking questions about directions–you’ll get better results with those requests if people understand what it is that you’re asking for!

  • Know their currency.

This may seem obvious, but it’s important nonetheless: make sure that when exchanging money between countries (or even cities), there aren’t any unexpected surprises when it comes time for payment. For example, if someone offers me 100 rupees for my watch but I’m only expecting 50 rupees from him because he’s from India and their currency is weaker than ours here in America…well then I just got scammed!

4. Don’t be afraid to ask questions

If you’re going to be traveling in a foreign country, it’s likely that you’ll encounter people who speak a different language than you do. This can be intimidating at first, but there are ways to make your interactions with these individuals more comfortable and effective. One of the most important things is to show interest in their culture and customs by asking questions about them whenever possible.

If someone offers their help or advice on something, don’t hesitate to ask questions about it–you may learn something new! And if someone is trying hard to communicate with you in English when they see that can’t understand each other’s languages well enough yet (or vice versa), always take advantage of this opportunity by asking him/her questions about his/her home country until both parties feel comfortable enough with each other’s understanding level before moving forward into deeper topics like politics or religion–these are topics better saved for later conversations when both parties have gotten used-up all their energy reserves trying too hard not only understand each other but also express themselves clearly through gestures rather than words alone

5. Dress appropriately

While it’s a good idea to dress according to the weather, it’s also important to consider the occasion. In some cultures and countries, dressing up is expected on certain occasions. For example, when visiting an office or going out for dinner at night in Japan you should wear formal business attire (or at least something nice). If you show up in jeans and sneakers–even if they’re designer ones!–you’ll be seen as disrespectful or rude by your hosts.

In addition to dressing appropriately for events like weddings or funerals, there are other cultural norms that may require special attire depending on where you’re going:

  • Men should wear long pants rather than shorts when visiting mosques in Arab countries like Saudi Arabia because they aren’t allowed inside without them; women should cover their heads with scarves or hijabs while inside these places of worship.* When visiting temples during Hindu festivals such as Diwali or Holi (which fall around October/November), women must cover themselves from head-to-toe in white clothing so as not offend any deities who might be present.* Muslims must always wear modest clothing when outside of their homes–this includes shirts with sleeves down past elbows plus long trousers instead of shorts!

6. Arrive early and stay late

  • Arrive early.
  • Stay late.
  • Eat dinner.
  • Get a good night’s sleep!

7. Have fun, but don’t overdo it!

Now that you know the basics of making a good impression on foreigners while travelling, it’s time to hit the road! Here are some additional tips on how to ensure that your travels are successful and enjoyable.

  • Don’t drink too much. If you do decide to drink alcohol, don’t overdo it. You’ll be more likely to embarrass yourself if you’re too drunk.
  • Don’t eat too much at once or in large quantities throughout the day – especially if there are several courses during a meal (e.g., appetizer, main course and dessert). This can also lead to feeling full and bloated which is not only uncomfortable but also unappealing for others around you who may think less of your character when they see how much food has been consumed by someone who isn’t overweight!
  • Stay up late enough so that everyone gets enough rest but not too late where people start falling asleep when traveling together as this could potentially cause accidents if someone falls asleep while driving/riding something else such as horseback riding through mountainside trails.”

You can make a good impression on people when you travel and understand their culture better

You can make a good impression on people when you travel and understand their culture better.

  • Be friendly: It’s important to be friendly with the locals, even if they don’t speak English. They may not understand your words, but they will know your intentions. If someone smiles at you or says hello in their native language, respond in kind! It’s always nice to meet new people when traveling abroad; try making friends with some locals by asking questions about their home country or city (what are some good places nearby?, etc.). You could even invite them out on an adventure with you!
  • Be polite: This goes without saying–but remember not all cultures have the same reasoning behind why certain things should be done one way over another way; so make sure not only do what feels right but also ask yourself “Why?” behind each decision before proceeding forward toward whatever goal it might be that needs completing during this trip abroad experience.”


Traveling is a great way to experience new places and people, but it can be difficult if you don’t know how to make a good impression on them. If you follow these tips, though, I promise that your next trip will be so much more enjoyable!