22/10/2024 6:14 AM

Jerri Zamzow

Savor New Horizons

11 Iconic Landmarks of America That are Better Than You Ever Imagined


Travel can be amazing. You get to see the world and meet new people, but did you know that there are some places in America that are better than you ever imagined? From iconic landmarks like the Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore to underrated wonders like Yosemite National Park, here are 11 iconic American landmarks that will make your next trip even more memorable:

11 Iconic Landmarks of America That are Better Than You Ever Imagined

The Empire State Building

The Empire State Building is a towering emblem of New York City and one of the most iconic landmarks in America. It’s also one of the tallest buildings in the world, standing at 1,250 feet (381 meters) tall!

The building was completed in 1931 by Shreve & Lamb Architects as part of a complex including several other buildings with an Art Deco style. In fact, it’s often referred to as “the crown jewel” or “crowning glory” due to its beauty and prominence among other skyscrapers both then and now.

The building has undergone multiple renovations since its construction–from installing air conditioning systems during WWII to modernizing elevators so they don’t require operators (a job usually reserved for women). Today there are high-speed elevators capable of carrying 40 people per car at speeds up to 1,600 feet per minute (490 km/h). There are also two observation decks: one 88th floor observatory called Top Of The Rock where visitors can see breathtaking views from outside their windows while eating lunch; another 102nd floor observatory called Empire State Observatory where visitors can gaze out over Manhattan while enjoying dinner!

The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom and democracy throughout the world. It’s also one of America’s most iconic landmarks, standing tall in New York Harbor as it welcomes visitors from around the world.

The statue was a gift from France to commemorate the centennial of American independence in 1886, but it wasn’t until 1903 that she made her way over here after being shipped across the Atlantic Ocean on board an Austrian ship called The “Belle France”. She arrived on June 17th at Bedloe’s Island where she was dedicated by President Teddy Roosevelt before being opened up to public viewing one year later on October 28th!

She stands at 305 feet tall with 7 rays emanating outwards from her crown (representing each day) while holding aloft a torch (symbolizing enlightenment). You can take tours inside her base or climb up stairs inside her pedestal where you’ll reach an observation deck high above ground level so you can see everything around you better than ever before!

Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Mount Rushmore National Memorial is located in the Black Hills of South Dakota, just north of Custer State Park and Badlands National Park. The sculpture depicts four United States presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

The monument was built between 1927 and 1941 under the direction of sculptor Gutzon Borglum who wanted to memorialize these great men by carving their images into the granite face of Mount Rushmore. It took fourteen years for him to finish his work before he passed away due to an accident while working on this project. His son Lincoln completed it after his father’s death but he changed some details about each president’s face such as making Teddy Roosevelt look younger than he actually was at that time because he thought it would make people more interested in seeing what kind of person he really was behind his public persona

Grand Canyon National Park

The Grand Canyon National Park is a United States National Park located in the state of Arizona. The park is split into two sections: the North Rim and the South Rim. The North Rim is open from May 15 to October 15 and offers a great opportunity for hiking, backpacking, and horseback riding; however it’s much less crowded than its southern counterpart.

The South Rim remains open year round but only accessible by car during summer months (April 1 – Nov 30). Visitors can get there via Highway 64 or take an airplane flight into either Williams or Flagstaff airports which are located nearby

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the opening to San Francisco Bay. It was built between 1933 and 1937, and opened to traffic in May of 1938. The Golden Gate Bridge is considered an engineering marvel that has withstood numerous earthquakes and natural disasters over its 80-year lifespan.

The bridge is one of only four bridges in America deemed worthy enough for National Historic Landmark status by the National Park Service (the others being The Brooklyn Bridge, Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool & Washington Monument). It’s also been featured on stamps multiple times throughout history!

Space Needle, Seattle, Washington

The Space Needle is a great landmark to visit in Seattle. It’s hard not to feel inspired when you’re standing at the top of this architectural marvel, taking in the beautiful city skyline with its many skyscrapers and bridges. The view of Puget Sound from here is spectacular, too! You can get excellent photos of yourself posing with your friends or family members in front of the Space Needle as well–just make sure you look at them before posting them online!

Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Bay, California

Alcatraz Island is an island in the San Francisco Bay and part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. It’s located just over one mile offshore from San Francisco, California, United States; Alcatraz can be reached by ferry ride from Fisherman’s Wharf or via water taxi service.

Alcatraz was first developed as a military fortification in 1853 during the American Civil War (1861-1865). The U.S. Army used it as a prison to house Confederate soldiers who had been captured during battle or had surrendered unconditionally to Union forces at Appomattox Court House on April 9th 1865 after General Robert E Lee surrendered his army to General Ulysses S Grant on April 9th 1865 at what became known as “The Surrender” which ended hostilities between North & South ending 4 years later after taking place at Appomattox Court House where General Lee met with Grant to discuss terms of surrendering his troops along with all other Confederate Forces still fighting against Union Forces across America today!

Hoover Dam, Boulder City, Nevada

Hoover Dam, Boulder City, Nevada

The Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River on the border between the US states of Arizona and Nevada. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression as part of an extensive program led by President Herbert Hoover to develop a reliable sources of water for irrigation in arid regions such as California’s Central Valley. The dam was dedicated on September 30th 1935 by President Franklin D Roosevelt who was instrumental in its construction due to his advocacy for large-scale public works projects like this one which would help create jobs and improve living standards across America during hard economic times (something we’re experiencing now).

Yosemite National Park, California

Yosemite National Park is a United States National Park and UNESCO World Heritage Site that encompasses much of the Sierra Nevada mountain range.

Yosemite Valley is a glacial valley in Yosemite National Park in California, United States. The valley floor is broad enough to accommodate several cities with population densities approaching that of New York City, while its heights reach to over 4500 meters (14000 feet).

Mount Vernon Estate & Gardens, Alexandria, Virginia

If you’re the kind of person who likes to explore America’s history, Mount Vernon Estate & Gardens is the place for you. You can take a tour of George Washington’s home and see where he lived and worked from 1754 until his death in 1799. The house has been restored to look as it did during his lifetime, so it’s not just an empty shell but actually feels like an active home with furniture and decorations from that time period.

The grounds surrounding Mount Vernon are also worth visiting–they include gardens where many of the plants were grown by Martha Washington herself! There are also plenty of historical monuments around this area (which are free), including ones commemorating important battles during America’s Revolutionary War era such as Yorktown & Valley Forge.[1]

Travel can be amazing!

Traveling is a great way to learn about other cultures. You can see how people live and what they do. It’s also a good way to learn about yourself, as you will be in new surroundings with different people, who have different values and beliefs than you do. And finally, traveling can help you learn more about your own country–what makes it unique?


Some of the most iconic landmarks in America are also some of its best-kept secrets. We hope this article has inspired you to explore some new places and experience the beauty of our nation for yourself!