20/10/2024 6:28 PM

Jerri Zamzow

Savor New Horizons

Unbelievable Facts About Mount Kilimanjaro, The Tallest Volcano in Africa


It’s the tallest volcano in Africa, and it’s been around a long time. Mount Kilimanjaro has been around for hundreds of thousands of years, although its exact age is hard to pinpoint. From space, it looks like a giant white triangle hovering above the ground with clouds swirling around its peak. When you get closer to the mountain, however, you’ll notice that Kilimanjaro isn’t as perfect as it seems from afar—it’s full of cracks and crags along its sides. That’s because this mountain has been eroding for millions of years due to erosion caused by wind and rainwater (and maybe even earthquakes). Despite all this erosion though, Kilimanjaro still stands tall above everyone else—even if only by inches at times!

Unbelievable Facts About Mount Kilimanjaro, The Tallest Volcano in Africa

The mountain is has the tallest free-standing mountain on the African continent.

The mountain is the tallest free-standing mountain on the African continent.

This means it’s not part of a range of mountains, volcanoes or even a range of volcanoes that are also mountains. It stands alone as an isolated peak towering above everything else around it. If you were standing at its base and looked up at Kilimanjaro’s peak from there, you would see nothing but sky above your head (and maybe some clouds).

The fact that Mount Kilimanjaro is taller than any other volcanic structure in Africa means that it can be seen from well over 100 miles away if you’re looking in its direction–which makes sense because everyone wants to see what’s going on up there!

Mount Kilimanjaro was formed over 500,000 years ago.

Mount Kilimanjaro was formed over 500,000 years ago. The mountain is a result of erosion and volcanic activity that took place around the same time as the formation of other volcanoes in Africa. This is because tectonic plates move around on Earth’s surface, causing landmasses to collide with each other and form new mountains.

We know that some of its glaciers are shrinking.

We know that some of its glaciers are melting, retreating and even receding. The ice on Mt Kilimanjaro is shrinking, losing mass and becoming less substantial every year.

The shrinking process has been going on for more than 30 years now and we can see how it affects the mountain in three ways:

  • The height of Kilimanjaro has decreased by about 1 meter since 1912 (3 feet). This means that if you climb Mount Kilimanjaro today you will be much closer to heaven than those who climbed it 100 years ago!
  • There are fewer glaciers on the slopes today than there were 30 years ago – a lot fewer! In fact, there are only 2/3rds as many today compared with 1980 when scientists first started measuring them with satellite images from space via NASA’s Landsat program.* So what does this mean for us? Well…if you love climbing mountains then maybe go ahead but remember one thing: don’t forget your ice axe before setting off on any trek up high because some parts may not be covered anymore due to lack thereof!!

Kilimanjaro has 3 volcanic cones.

Kilimanjaro is a stratovolcano and has three cones. The highest peak is Kibo, which means “saddle” in Swahili. The other two are Lemosho (meaning “place of lemons”) and Shira (which means “white”).

It’s called “Rugged, Crumbling, and Strikingly Beautiful”.

Mount Kilimanjaro is a majestic, rugged and striking volcano. It’s the tallest free-standing mountain in Africa and stands at 5,895 meters (19,341 feet) above sea level. The mountain has been formed over 500,000 years ago when three different volcanoes merged together to create one giant peak that towers over Tanzania’s northern plains.

Mount Kilimanjaro gets its name from an old legend which tells how a warrior named Kilima N’daro fought against Arab slave traders who had captured his wife; after killing all of them he threw their bodies into a nearby river which became known as ‘Kilima Ndaro’ or ‘Mountains of Blood’. Another legend says that merchants traveling through these lands noticed how cold it was on top of this particular hill compared with other places around them – so they named it “Kilima Ndaro” meaning “cold hill”.

Mountains are generally formed by volcanic activity or tectonic movement but this particular one was formed by both processes combined!

It’s so tall that you can see it from space!

Mount Kilimanjaro is the tallest volcano in Africa. It’s 19,341 feet tall, which is almost as tall as Mount Everest! In fact, it’s even taller than Everest by about 1,000 feet!

And if that isn’t impressive enough for you: You can see Mount Kilimanjaro from space!

Or maybe it’s not the tallest volcano in Africa, or even the tallest mountain.

But wait, there’s more. The popular assumption that Kilimanjaro is not only the tallest volcano in Africa but also its tallest peak is erroneous. Mount Kenya is actually taller than Kilimanjaro–by about 5 meters (16 feet).

Mount Kenya has two peaks: Batian (5199 meters) and Nelion (5188 meters). By contrast, Kibo Peak on Mount Kilimanjaro stands at 5895 meters above sea level–just 986 meters higher than Batian and 973 meters higher than Nelion. So why does everyone think that Kibo Peak towers over other mountains in Africa? Because it’s an extinct stratovolcano with snowcapped summits year-round!

The mountain has been around a long time and will probably still be there long after we are gone

Mount Kilimanjaro is an active volcano, but it has been around a long time. It will probably still be there long after we are gone. In fact, Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the oldest mountains in the world and has been around for millions of years!


There’s no doubt that Kilimanjaro is an amazing place. The fact that it has been around for so long and will probably still be there long after we are gone is really incredible. It’s also nice to know that we can still learn new things about this mountain even though it might seem like everything has been discovered already!